Are you on the midlife hamster wheel?`

Do you feel like you are forever chasing your tail at work, at home, and socially? Your to-do list is non-stop growing and you constantly want to lock yourself away in the closet and hope nobody needs you for even just ‘a little while’? On top of all that, you’re not sleeping great, you keep forgetting things and–for crying out loud–what the hell has happened to your body??? 

Yup, midlife can slap you right in the face when you are already on your knees begging the world to please,for one day: “LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE!”

Sound familiar?  

Ok, so if you are nodding your head, don’t freak out. It doesn’t all have to be like an episode of Motherland. You can put small changes in place that can really make a difference to your health and well-being in the long (and short!) term.

There are five key elements to health and well-being that women need to focus on in order to feel better in their body, mind and soul (and gain some sanity back!) during the peri/menopause transition:

  • Nutrition - Making one or two small additions–not restrictions–can really improve how you feel. And then you can build on that. What you put into your body plays such an integral role in your health, energy and mood. Try these to feel the benefits: 

    • Include fibre at each meal, like whole grains, beans, lentils, chickpeas, vegetables or fruit

    • Include a lean protein like chicken, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, chickpeas

    • Eat one fermented food each day, such as yogurt, kombucha, miso soup, kefir, fermented vegetables

  • Movement - The body was designed to move and movement has so many benefits to the midlife body such as maintaining bone and muscle mass, and also for our mental health. And no, I’m not talking about you “moving” to get your kid from activity A to activity B on time, but a time for movement that is dedicated to just you. Don’t feel you have to go spend a fortune on a gym membership or expensive gear. I love exercises for both your mind and body! Try one (or all!) of these: 

    • Walk in nature

    • Skip with a rope

    • Stretch or go to a yoga/pilates class

    • Use bottled water as resistance weights

    • Dance around the living room

    • Do a 15 min HIIT class on Youtube. 

    • Pick a form of movement you enjoy and have time for so that it is sustainable and beneficial for the long-term.

  • Sleep - Ok, so your hormones may be fluctuating and causing your body temperature to rise which may be affecting your sleep. Things you can do to manage this are reducing your alcohol intake, particularly in the evening, and also avoid caffeine and spicy foods. Other ways to improve your sleep include avoiding technology and having a regular routine. If you are doing everything you possibly can and you are still not getting a good night's sleep, maybe book an appointment with your doctor to chat through other options that may help. Remember, lack of and poor quality sleep can contribute to so many health risks, therefore it is important not to ignore it. Ask for help if you need it!

  • Reduce stress - Ha, if you are currently in the thick of it, I can hear you shouting at me now: ‘HOW!?’. I totally get it. I have been there. Ok, so sometimes you have to ride out the stressful episode and other times you have to take a step back, observe and think about areas in which you can make change or things you need to put in place to make a situation easier. 

    Easier said than done I guess but honestly, decluttering or making plans to simplify your life can be extremely therapeutic

    For example, having a meal plan in place may take the stress away from shopping and cooking family meals; removing yourself from toxic people such as colleagues or friends; seeing a therapist to offload once a week or daily journaling. Whatever the solution is for you, do it and it will make all the difference to your gut health, sleep and overall well-being. And if nothing else, I’m always here for a quick chat.

  • Social connection - This is super important for your mental health. It can be anything from saying good morning to a neighbour, helping someone with their shopping, eating lunch with your (non-toxic) colleagues, having a coffee with colleagues in the work pantry, meeting girlfriends for a laugh and/or vent, or doing community work. Surrounding yourself with people who positively influence you, giving back to the community or helping someone, is something that we all need to feel a sense of purpose and connection.

How do I know all of this, you ask?

What I have learned over my 11 rollercoaster menopausal years is that sometimes you have to go back, process stuff, remove things and make or change plans, in order to put the next step forward. 

It is a continuous process of self-discovery and growth, and to be honest, even though I was young to go through the menopause it has taught me resilience, how to nourish my mind and body, not to sweat the small stuff and to be grateful everyday that I get to make change and move forward.

I hope that by reading through this, you take away one or two things that slow down your hamster wheel and get a better perspective of the midlife journey so that you too can become more resilient and grow.

Lisa x