Posts tagged perimenopause
Brain Fog and the Menopause Transition

Memory difficulties and cognitive complaints such as brain fog emerge during perimenopause due to the fluctuation and decline of estrogen. Approximately 60% of midlife women report problems with memory during the menopause transition. This article discusses why brain fog occurs during the menopause transition and how nutrition can help reduce the effects of brain fog.

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Nutrition focus during the perimenopause transition

The perimenopause stage of the menopause transition is getting more airtime and we are now becoming much more informed about what is happening to our body during this phase, and experts are offering solutions on how to feel better and actually thrive during this stage of the lifecycle. As a menopause nutritionist and someone who has experienced the menopause since 32 years old, I can expertly and honestly say 'the food you eat can really help you feel better'.

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Are you on the midlife hamster wheel?`

Do you feel like you are forever chasing your tail at work, at home, and socially? Your to-do list is non-stop growing and you constantly want to lock yourself away in the closet and hope nobody needs you for even just ‘a little while’? On top of all that, you’re not sleeping great, you keep forgetting things and–for crying out loud–what the hell has happened to your body??? 

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