Has the stress of COVID-19 upset your gut health?

COVID-19 has caused havoc across the globe. After 18 months of uncertainty there seems to be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. As we start to lift our heads up from the darkness and move forward, we may reflect on how we have coped and notice the damage it has caused to our physical and mental health.

How have you coped with COVID-19?

Most of my inner circle of family and friends, and the clients I see have coped with drinking more alcohol than usual, eating more take-away foods, excess baking and comfort eating, and due to government restrictions they haven’t moved a lot.

All of these factors in addition to the stress of working from home, home schooling, fear of illness, the stress of not being able to see loved ones, losing a loved one etc etc etc have caused extreme stress on the body and this has many consequences to our health.

How does stress affect the gut?

Our brain and our gut are connected via a long nerve called the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the main communicator between the brain and gut as it carries signals in a bi-directional way to and from each organ. When we are in a predominantly stressed state the messages sent along the vagus nerve become disrupted.

This disruption along the vagus nerve can cause a number of things:

  1. Heightened sensitivity of the gut

  2. Changes in movement of food along the digestive tract

  3. Reduced blood flow to the gut

  4. Increased permeability of the intestinal wall i.e. leaky gut

  5. Alterations in gut microbiota

These side-effects of stress on the gut can have a negative effect on digestion, the absorption of nutrients, our mood, our immunity and if prolonged can lead to some serious illnesses.

3 Ways YOU can help your gut recover from the stress of COVID-19


Deep abdominal breathing can help to slow down your heart-rate when stressed and bring your body back to a state of balance. It doesn’t have to be meditation it can simply be breathing in the shower, when making a cup of tea in the morning, travelling to or from work or at your desk.

One simple breathing technique I recommend is breathing in for a count of 4secs, hold for 4secs and out for 6secs.

The timing on this method can change to however long you would like and the most important part is the exhalation as it helps to slow down your heart-rate when stressed. When your heart-rate is in a state of balance it can ensure oxygen flows fluidly throughout the body assisting all essential bodily functions.

Nourish your gut

  1. Eat plenty of fresh and colourful plants to increase your fibre intake and boost your immunity

  2. Eat a balance of all nutrients such as wholegrains, lean proteins and essential fats

  3. Stay hydrated

These three things may seem so basic and yet we still get confused about what is healthy, how to eat healthy, how to cook healthy and just having the confidence to choose and enjoy food.

If you would like to get a kick start on nourishing your gut back to health after the stress of COVID, join my

FREE 7 Day Nourish Your Gut Challenge that starts on 01 August, 2021

This 7 Day Nourish Your Gut Challenge will give you tools, tips, recipes and the confidence to know how to nourish your gut back to health.

Eat Mindfully

We are always so busy, eating on the go, no time to prepare and eat meals. When did we get so all consumed with the business of everyday life that we can’t even make time and enjoy eating?

Sitting down at the table in a stress-free state without technology can increase your chances of actually tasting the food you are eating, enjoying the food you are eating and improving your digestion of this food.

Food is such a luxury in the Western world and we have forgotten how to enjoy it. I promise that taking the time for YOU to enjoy YOUR FOOD will have so many benefits for your digestion, and your overall health.

Make time to eat! Mindfully!

How can I help you?

  1. You can kick start your journey back to optimal health by taking part in the FREE 7 Day Nourish Your Gut Challenge

  2. If you have been medically diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome I can take you through the 12 Week Low FODMAP Diet to identify your food triggers

  3. If you gained unwanted weight during COVID-19 I can take you through my 10 Week Health Transformation Programme to help you feel more confident about your body

  4. I can design a bespoke nutrition programme specifically to meet your health needs. If this is something you would like to discuss please contact me here

You are not alone. Let’s work together on your journey back to optimal health